Graduation Requirements

Jeffco Graduation Requirements only apply to students in the full time program.  All students and their parents are encouraged to go beyond high school requirements and verify that your high school plan is in accordance with college, university or other post-graduation requirements.   

Jefferson County Public Schools are committed to preparing students for the 21st century. One part of that preparation is a pre-collegiate, rigorous curriculum that prepares students for success in the next step of their lives. Success in college or in work requires strong academic preparation. A pre-collegiate, rigorous curriculum prepares students to choose admission to universities, community colleges, or apprenticeships.  All full time Summit students must meet Jeffco graduation requirements through their Summit and college coursework.

Being prepared for the 21st century requires the appropriate use and application of technology. Because of that, all courses are expected to use technology and on-line learning as a part of the instruction in that content. All course work is expected to infuse skills necessary for success in the 21st century. Those skills, in addition to the use of technology, include:

  • Information processing and analysis

  • Critical thinking and problem solving

  • Interpersonal skills and self direction

  • Global awareness

  • Financial, economic, and business literacy

  • Entrepreneurial skills

  • Civic literacy

  • Skills for continuous learning

Because one choice for our students is the university system in Colorado, the entrance requirements for admission to any Colorado four-year university (Higher Education Admission Requirements or HEAR) are printed in this policy. They are not identical to the requirements for graduation from a Jefferson County senior high school. 

College Entrance Requirements