High School Transcripts

Creating a Homeschool Transcript

A transcript is simply a record of the work a student does in middle school and/or high school. Homeschooling parents who have worked with their child at each step along the way are in the best position to know what their student has done. Creating a transcript involves getting that record on paper.

Creating a transcript is best done semester by semester, as a student completes the work, so that nothing is forgotten. Middle school transcripts provide good practice for the more significant high school transcript, so parents are encouraged to begin the process of creating transcripts while their students are in the 7th and 8th grades.

High School Credits

High school credits are different from college credits. One high school credit (one Carnegie unit) is usually equivalent to one standard, year-long high school course. Students can receive one high school credit for doing any of the following:

*  Investing 120-180 hours in a given subject or activity (this is the primary criteria for awarding high school 

*  Completing a Summit Academy course

*  Completing at least 75% of a high-school level textbook (note that vocabulary, spelling and grammar are   
    subcategories of English/language arts and should be included as part of an English credit).

*  Completing 4-7 college credits in a given subject area (thus a college algebra course earns one credit, while   
    US history requires two courses to earn one unit).

Students may also be awarded 1/2 credit for completing half of any of the above.

Full - Time Students

Part - Time Students

Blank Transcript

If you have questions about transcripts, or need to request one, please email Mrs. Miller (miller@thesummitacademy.org). If requesting a transcript to be sent elsewhere, please include contact information - email address, attention to information, etc.