How Sick is Too Sick?

Medical Forms

Vaccination Information

You have the following three options to fulfill CDPHE's requirements regarding vaccination:
1) You may submit up to date copies of your students' vaccination records.

2) You may utilize a medical immunization waiver if applicable. Please complete the below waiver and have it signed by your physician before submitting it to Summit. Waiver must be dated July 1st or after.

3) You may utilize a nonmedical immunization waiver; to do so please complete one of the two following options:

A) The below nonmedical immunization waiver must be filled out by you, signed by your physician and then submitted to Summit. Waiver must be dated July 1st or after.


B) You may choose to watch the online education module from CDPHE (link below). Upon completion of the module you will be directed to print an exemption certificate. Please print the certificate and submit it to Summit. We must receive a certificate for each student. You do not need to watch the video for each student, but will need to go back a screen and print a certificate for each student.