Not returning in 2023-24?

 NOT Returning

Please complete this form if you have students who are currently enrolled at Summit and are not planning to attend, or are considering not attending, during the 2024-2025 school year. 

Not Returning/Maybe Not Returning?

7 Questions

COMPLETE THIS FORM only if your student is currently enrolled at Summit and is not planning to return next year, or if there is a possibility that they will not return.We understand that some families may not be able to make a decision at this time. However, knowing who is not, or may not, be able to attend helps us plan and give information to families on the waitlist.Complete this form for EACH STUDENT in your family to which it applies.

No. (Summit will miss you, and we wish you the very best!)
We are not sure. (Summit will hold your place until we have an answer for you)

Attendance Day Change Request

This form is for currently enrolled Summit students who would like to request a day change for the 2024-25 school year.

Day Change Request

6 Questions

COMPLETE THIS FORM if you have a currently enrolled Summit student and would like to request an attendance day change for the 2024-25 school year.Complete this form for EACH STUDENT in your family to which it applies.