Pledge Sign-up

The Pledge of Allegiance

You may sign your children up to lead the Pledge of Allegiance below. Please select from the open dates. Make sure to put the student's name and grade in the comment space provided. On the morning of the big day please remind your child to head to Mrs. Scarato's office when the first bell rings at 8:25am. Remind them to wait outside the door until Mrs. Scarato gets to her office (probably right around 8:30).   We will have the words written out for them to follow as it's not uncommon for a little stage fright to set in, but it's really helpful to go over it with them a few times beforehand at home if they don't already have it memorized. 

If you have secondary students as well, please sign them up - we love having the older kids lead the pledge, too.

  • Pledge Sign-up (2024-25 sign-up coming soon)