SAT Assesments

The SAT suite of assessments will be offered at The Summit Academy (Westminster campus) on DATES TO BE ANNOUNCED.  The testing day will be divided into a morning and afternoon session and students will be assigned a session based on last name.  Students who have signed up will receive their session assignment mid-March via email. 

It is important to note that these assessments are required for full-time students and optional for part-time students.  While most colleges are not requiring SAT, most scholarships do.  The PSAT 10 and PSAT 8/9 are considered practice and can fulfill a standardized testing requirement for homeschoolers.  

The tests offered are:

  • SAT (with optional Essay) for 11th grade students only

  • PSAT 10 for 10th grade students only

  • PSAT 8/9 for 9th grade students only

New this spring, all assessments will be completed digitally.  Students will have the option to bring their own device or use a school provided device. For more information about the digital assessment, how to prepare, and device requirements please follow this link:  Bluebook Digital Testing for Students | College Board. 

Digital Readiness Check

All students who are signed up to test will be required to complete a Digital Readiness Check the week of March 26th-29th at 3:20 pm at Summit Westminster. An email reminder will be sent out the week of March 19th with the date the student signed up to complete the check.  If you are using your personal device, please bring it to the Digital Readiness Check.

Student Data Consent Form - Optional Questionnaire

During the Digital Readiness Check, students have the option to answer 10 additional questions about themselves, their school, and their plans for after they graduate high school.

SAT Suite of Assessments & College and Career Planning ToolsStudent Data Consent Form

BigFuture School App

Students will also be given the choice to opt out of Big Future School and Connections, an app from the College Board that sends scores and future planning information to students’ phones. For more information on the Big Future School App and Connections, please watch this video. The College Board asks for a cell phone number and an email address from students to access the Big Future School and Connections app.  

Registering for the Big Future School app and/or Connections is entirely voluntary. The Colorado Department of Education and the College Board have created the attached consent form for students if they choose to answer the optional questions or enroll in BigFuture/Connections. Please review the consent form (linked above) and talk about it with your child so he/she will know how to fill out the consent form at school and complete the surveys. There is no need to fill out the consent form at home. 

Score Retrieval
Students do not need to sign up for Big Future School and Connections to get their scores. Students can see their scores and more resources through a PDF score report provided by their school. Students may also create and/or log in to their personal College Board account at to get additional insights about their scores. 

Questions? Email Mrs. O'Connor (