Summit Waivers 2024-25
(Links & Instructions)
All KG-12th grade students must have the Comprehensive Waiver completed.
Any parent/guardian who will be volunteering at Summit must complete the Volunteer Waiver.
All 9th-12th graders must have the 9th-12th Grade Agreement completed.
1) Comprehensive KG-12 Waiver
Every Summit student must have this waiver completed. Click the link below and complete the document one time for each of your students. You may click the link multiple times.
2) Volunteer Waiver
Each parent who will be volunteering at Summit must complete the following waiver.
3) 9th-12th Grade Agreement
All 9th-12th graders must have this document completed. Since this waiver requires signatures from two people (a parent/guardian and the student), the process is a little different. Click the link below and complete the following process for each of your 9th-12th grade students. You may click on the link multiple times. You will be taken to a page where you will enter an email address for a parent/guardian (Recipient 1) and one for the student (Recipient 2). Please make sure you have the recipient order correct (parent first, then student).
Check those email addresses for a message from Shannon Wall (signNow) and ensure each person completes their required fields. The parent/guardian will complete the first nine (9) fields and the student will complete the final two (2) fields.
Please email Ms. Wall if you have any questions.